Hiawatha Country Church

A Foursquare Gospel Fellowship
4740N State Hwy M94 * P.O. Box 266
Manistique, MI 49854

Paster/Church phone: 989-698-6364
Pastor email: stevelange1959@gmail.com





Hiawatha Country Church has served the community of Manistique area since 1947.
Our goals are to glorify God, preach the Gospel and teach and send disciples of Jesus Christ.
(Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:19).
We are "Dedicated to the cause of inter-denominational and worldwide evangelism."
* These words express our spirit and our focus*


Sunday Morning 10:30 am Worship & The Word
(Times can vary due to weather... call ahead or ceck our Facebook page)

Monday Morning 9:30 am (Prayer & Praise)

Wednesdays 6:00 pm (Prayer & Praise)
Wednesday 7:00 pm (Bible Study/ Live Zoom)

Friday Morning 9:30 am (Prayer & Praise)
